We have enjoyed a great response with our bull selling this year, with clients hopping in early and securing their sires for the coming season…and well beyond!

At this stage of the year, we now have a good number of upcoming Brahman bulls ready for sale. These bulls were born a few months later than their

counterparts sold earlier in the season , but , are still in the 25 to 27 month range. Many are polled,the majority grey. Good temperament is an important quality

for our selection process and all bulls are guaranteed.

Of course, as we are firm believers in a “No Grain” policy when it comes to our bull breeding, all bulls are 1005 grass reared in our Glenleigh paddocks.

Sires represented include Roxborough Quantom and Lancefield M Mozart along with Brahrock genetics and our own Boogal Sires

The paddocks there are looking brilliant after receiving good rain around Christmas. We still hold out hope that even more rain may fall in the next few months !!!

Below are a few snaps of bulls taken in their paddock a few weeks back in January.






Contact   Tex         0741 675163


                 Lance    0741 672176

                                0427 675166

